2019 Predictions
As channeled from Norma, A Pleiadian.
Embrace Challenges in the Year Ahead
We are in for an intense year! 2019 will deliver challenges that test who we know ourselves to be, our freedom of expression, and our boundaries.
From the first of the year through the end of the month, January looks particularly intense. There will be increased police activity in the southwest. Moving into spring, late March, will be another time of upheaval, and then again this cycle repeats in the fall.
Normally, the holiday months are challenging for many people. However, from October through the end of the year, the opportunity to step back and have some time away from world events acts as a reprieve. Attention turns on the individual and how each person identifies with home and family. People allow themselves to retreat, get more connected to themselves, and repair a bit of the stress accumulated from earlier in the year.
2019’s real test lies in how we manage daily challenges.
Societal Pressures
With a growing population and constant access to information and communication through the internet and media groups, our boundaries have become ill-defined. This makes us feel like we have less space for ourselves, and this is true. There is no longer room for the individual and the self to purely exist. We are not often empowered by our government, our media, or our neighbor to express our individuality. It is not seen as a positive attribute unless proven to be a benefit to the whole. People who are living based off of their individual values are making decisions based off of creative inspiration and changing in accordance with their intuition’s guidance. This lifestyle can be interpreted as a threat because these individuals are perceived as challenging traditional values and priorities. When we define our opinions around the constructs of tradition alone, we become followers of ancestral ties, unconsciously embodying the past. These differing perspectives are inherently not an issue. Animosity develops when individuals have not created for themselves the space and healthy boundaries for their world view to exist comfortably, regardless of another’s opinion.
Additionally, continued work/life imbalances and conflicts in our nation and the world cause an increase in managing sustained stress. When we do not provide an outlet, high sustained stress levels become damaging to our bodies, causing increased dis-ease. To manage, many are relying on distraction to escape the stress felt in their bodies. Distraction is the most dangerous enabler. It allows us to ignore our need to work on ourselves, heal our trauma, and receive the call of our intuition. Instead we find momentary relief in the distraction, while allowing the psychic trauma to pile up.
For example, a few years ago I spent a few days commuting into San Francisco, California, from the Peninsula. Every morning I woke up feeling good until I got to the train station. From then until my ride into San Francisco, I felt light headed and sick to my stomach. After noticing this trend for three days, I clairvoyantly read the energy at the train station. I noticed everyone was walking around while on their cell phones, not paying attention to the people or nature in their surroundings. Their attention was on energy outside of their surroundings, outside of their bodies. With their spirits focused on information outside of their bodies, they were ungrounded. My stomach ache was a clairsentient reaction to a large group of people who were creating an ungrounded environment that lacked boundaries. After seeing this information, I took my time to meditate and ground myself before arriving at the train station. While there, I used my meditation tools to help me create strong boundaries so I would not be affected by this mass of ungrounded energy. Essentially, if I was not aware of what was going on energetically, I probably would have matched that of the mass and interacted with my phone. However, I enjoy reading a book, chatting with others, and observing my surroundings when in this type of environment. So I held strong to my boundaries and did what suited my spirit best instead.
The challenge of 2019 is to identify distraction energy, to seek out our tools for relieving stress, and to create healthy boundaries so we can continue to find our own path, our own voice, allowing our creative light to shine.
Distraction Energy
Lately in consultations I have noticed a particular energy in many people’s space, including my own. It is energy that would rather we match a mass idea or thought pattern than discover our own information. I have been defining this as distraction energy. We are engaging with distraction energy when we spend our time in a manner that is not consistent with our intuition’s message. It is when we say to ourselves at the end of the day, “Where did my time go? Instead of doing (fill in the blank), I know my time could have been better spent doing (fill in the blank)”. When we are stuck in this pattern, we are giving our life force ability over to distraction energy.
Moving away from distraction energy takes time and discipline. We minimize the hold distraction energy has over us when we engage with intentional decisions to move with our intuition. It is then that our daily experiences feel more in alignment with the true nature of what we want to create along our life trajectory. The internal conversation of “I know I could have spent my time better” quiets and is replaced with “I know I am making the best decisions for myself.”
When we are fearful of facing distraction energy, or facing our own difficult feelings even though we want to move forward, know that is because we are working hard to match who we used to be, to keep things the same. Engaging in this volley serves delusions of what might happen in a job, relationship, family, or social group when the change happens. This distraction creates stagnation and it serves no one. We are keeping ourselves from our personal evolution when we sit stagnated in fear instead of moving with courage towards our next steps.
In 2019 each of us is being asked to raise our vibration to its next highest level. To do that in this climate, we must consciously develop our tools to provide space for the clear communication from our intuition. For the empowerment of the whole, it is time for us to embrace the development of our life’s authentic path.
Tools to Embrace Challenges
With all the challenges in 2019, what tools can we use to help keep us in alignment no matter what pushes our boundaries?
Prioritize spiritual experiences. The support of our spirit is always available for us. Engage with it in any way that feels authentic to your values. Become part of or further develop a relationship with a religious institution, a group of like-minded individuals, or spend time in nature. Each outlet helps us engage with our community, environment, and spiritual senses.
Know your origin. In 2019 we are all being asked of us to take personal energetic responsibility for our lineage. We all must open to the truth of our past, become keepers of ancestral knowledge, and heal any wrongdoing or hurt our ancestors may have inflicted. This enables us to share ancestral knowledge benefitting the whole while moving forward with greater kindness and respect when encountering others that have a history different than our own.
Meditate daily. Meditation is key to helping us manage stress and anxiety, healing past traumas, helping us be in the present moment, and experiencing deeper gratitude and life fulfillment. In 2019, having a meditation practice is paramount to helping us manage challenges to our boundaries, emotions, and alignment with our path that we will all be facing. If you already have a practice, great! Expect to increase the duration and regularity of your practice. If you have been feeling called to create one, develop your practice today. Don’t let distraction energy such as “I know I need to meditate; I just don’t have time, and I don’t know how to do it” get the better of you.
Make conscious food choices. Food powers our body and enables our spirit to ground to this dimension. Take the time to figure out the best food choices for your body and the energy level that you require. In doing this we respect our body’s desire for health and good function, allowing our spirit to thrive. When we do not make good food choices, our digestive abilities are inhibited, thereby not allowing for optimal nutrient absorptions and organ function. We feel tired and lethargic, lowering the vibration of our body. Our confidence and ability to hold strong boundaries and a steady mind decrease as the food we have chosen is not powering the energy we need to uphold these traits.
Make time for community. While technology has allowed us to reach people in all areas of the globe, we have become very insulated in our private lives. This has caused many to feel isolated and alone. In 2019 we are being asked to get to know our neighbors again. We can wave, say hello, enjoy a conversation, not only at home, but at work, during our commute, or while running errands. Everyone we encounter is in our community. When we make a conscious choice to extend ourselves in good will towards others, we improve everyone’s day and quality of life.
Practice kindness. Extend yourself out from your sphere. When interacting with others, listen to the truth behind their expression. See them for where they are and what they are learning, and practice kindness in response. Acknowledge their experiences and be supportive of their growth. Check in with a phone call or text or visit. Kindness is not just an expression but an action. Utilize it more throughout 2019.
Volunteer your time, and donate your money. Many of us are feeling disheartened by society and the injustices in the world. Find a way to channel frustration positively. Volunteer for a cause, a group, a foundation, or make a donation. Run for political office! Take responsibility for the change you would like to see and take pride in being part of the world around you.
Keep Your Third Eye on the Prize
In numerology 2019 is a 3 year, placing focus on balance between the mind, body, spirit connection. However, for years our focus has been on mental development creating advancement in fields such as science, engineering, and production. Since we have been focused on heavy growth in this aspect, we are imbalanced and have forgotten how to manage the attributes of the whole. Our internal foundation is not secure. This imbalance elicits chaotic feelings, creating a breeding zone for conflict as we all work to find our way again. In 2019, we are being asked to have a more conscious relationship with our body and spirit. It is time to honor intuition, creativity, and self expression as valuable attributes for the progress of society.
As we work to regain our mind/body/spirit connection, we will experience challenges and obstacles that feel like energy is against us, and it is. There is a ton of resistant energy to someone trying to live a balanced lifestyle authentic to their needs. 2019 asks us to hold boundaries strong and continue to persevere. Eventually, the consistency of vibration will have a positive ripple affect on others. But, we can not base our work off receiving a response. We need to keep going because we believe in ourself. That is the only validation we need to continue our work.
2019 holds many challenges for the individual. It is time for all of us to step in into our light, shine bright, and allow others the space to do the same. Through one mindful decision at a time, we can all rise above the strife and conflict to create more harmony in our life and for others around us. If there is one mantra for 2019 it is this: the more we empower individual expression in others, the more freedom we all receive to grow, create, and thrive based on our authentic values and priorities.
Published in Sedona Journal's October 2018 issue. Available at many natural food stores and online.