2025 Predictions
The Courage to Move Forward
A Clairvoyant Reading and Channeling from Pleiadians Norma, Adora, and Marna
Jenine: “Clairvoyantly, I see 2025 coming in at a pinkish color.
The year is set for great growth.
For whatever 2024 delivered, get ready to take things to the next level in 2025.
The general vibe is going to feel unsettled, but remember that you are not unstable. If you did your work in 2024, you will feel ready for these next steps. Although they might also feel too big at times, since 2019 you have found your courage so use that to help you move forward in tiny steps. Remember that moves do not have to be big unless your intuition asks for jumps. So even though you are feeling the push to make consistent changes, know that you can to do in a progression that’s resonant for you. If you waiver before taking a step, you will feel behind, so keep up with yourself, with what your intuition is asking of you.
This is not a time to stay cuddled in your old version of yourself. Bigger picture world events are asking all of us to rise up through our voices: to share our perspectives and to gain our courage to speak our truth in a balanced way. In that, others can better hear what you are communicating and can distill the information in a way that is resonant for them. This is the ripple effect that 2025 is asking of us for the good of ourselves, and for the good of humanity in taking its next steps forward.”
Norma: “Hello, I am Norma of the Pleiades, I bring you tidings for your year 2025.
It is going to be a rocky year, there will be much turbulence and all will be asked to contribute in bringing stability in their own way.
World events will be the cause of instability, and it will be jarring on the individual level. To settle in, you all must do your work to take care of your home life and relationships in the best way possible. Show up authentically for your loved ones, reach out when you think you need to, and then also show up for yourself through self-care rituals that resonate for you.
Most importantly, former distraction practices will need to be mitigated as it is imperative that you all move with these shifts in the present. If not, and you instead lull yourself through with old distraction practices, you will feel the greatest impact of psychic trauma.
2025 is time for all to wake up. When you look back over the past 5 years and you feel like a different person, like you have improved yourself, then you have kept up with your evolutionary work. If not, then your work will come in bigger and stronger in 2025.
So the question for you is, how do you want to show up during a time of intense shift in the world, during a time of intense shift for yourself, and how to do you want to find growth and psychic prosperity through this upheaval of shift?
This is not dire, this is true transformation. This is what we are talking about here: your opportunity to transform positively no matter the situation in which you are presented.
Being a human is not an easy task. We watch you all struggle with emotions vs thoughts vs bodily needs vs instincts. All the while you have a resource of information through your intuition and psychic tools, which most of you pay no mind to making use of.
So the questions again: what are you going to do to bring yourself peace and growth through the intense shifts of 2025?
We hope for you the best, and we will be watching and offering tips along the way… Jenine will be here to communicate so pay attention.
I am Normal of the Pleiades, I am passing to Adora for their expression of your year 2025.”
Adora: “Hello I am Adora of the Pleiades here to bring you inspiration for managing your world in 2025.
I want to take this opportunity to remind you to utilize the vibration of love as a filter when facing shifts and decisions in 2025.
Love as a vibration, as a way of being, is underutilized by humans. It is one of the most powerful emotions to align with as it is capable of helping you make decisions that bring you into perfect alignment with your intuition and your trajectory forward as well as fulfilling your role within the greater web of the universal community.
For some reason humans often treat the vibration of love in a limited fashion: by seeing it as an object to be acquired or a force to be used to reach a certain conclusion.
However, love is the vibration of personal development, of empowered choice, of growth, of peace, and of limitless life expression. Yes, 2025 is going to bring great challenges, so I ask all of you to invite the vibration of love into your self care routine, to assist you in the decision making process, to allow its energy expression when facing a difficult conversation or circumstance, and to offer it gratitude when it shows you a new perspective that you had not yet considered.
You are all so much bigger than you know yourself to be, utilize love to help you find that power and use it’s guidance to help you find your most positive trajectory forward.
I am Adora of the Pleiades , and I am passing to Marna for their input on your year 2025.”
Jenine: “I just want to reference, in alignment with Adora’s messaging, an article that I channeled with the three of you in 2019: Pleiadian Teachings: Love as a Healing Vibration."
Marna: “Hello I am Marna of the Pleiades and let’s chat about your year 2025.
Normally I speak in a more direct manner than Norma and Adora, but since they have already done the heavy communicating about your year 2025, I do not feel the need to reiterate. So, I am going to be the one to be supportive in a way that is not normal for me. I am going to tell you about the truth of your humanity.
Being human is complicated and surprising. You all have the ability to make great strides in yourself as a being which can translate to great strides for your community as well as great strides for your world’s population as a whole.
However, you all have gotten a bit sloppy with your capabilities. In the last 40 or so years you have instead been hitting moments of deep regression instead of taking on lessons which could have catapulted you forward. The universal community is watching and at times we have felt really excited for your steps, and at other times felt like you could have done more.
So when considering the trajectory of your life, ask yourself how you want to show up in 2025. Do you want to slog along your normal path, or do you want to make strides forward, challenging yourself and who you once knew to be into something more than you have ever known? Ask yourself how your choices are making a positive ripple into your community of family and friends and your larger sphere in general?
2025 is about the individual having the courage to move themselves forward for their greater good and for that of humanity. Yes, the world community is going to be chaotic. Do you want to stand aside and watch or do you want to engage with opening up shifts in yourself to help further the cause of betterment and functionality on a global scale?
All of this is your choice, stand up and be the greatest person you can in 2025. Don’t dismay, the path is there should you choose to look for it and walk it.
Norma’s right, we’ll be watching and communicating through Jenine, she has a bigger project with us than what she originally thought.
I am Marna of the Pleiades. On behalf of Norma and Adora and the Pleiadian crew with which we rumble, we bid you good tidings for your year 2025; we are here with you every step of the way.”