Pleiadian Teachings: How the Future is Constructed

As Channeled from Norma and Adora, Pleiadians

Me: “Hi Norma. Welcome. What would you like to share with us today?”

​Norma: “Hello I am Norma. I am from the Pleiades and today I am going to talk about future experiences and how they are built.

The future is malleable energy for the constructing, ready to be molded and sculpted, based off of your trajectory. It is built upon your highest purpose, your highest consciousness, the conglomeration of your best practices focused into one direction, one form, one movement forward.

Manifestation works best when you're focused on your next best steps. What is going to make you progress as a spirit in your body? What is going to help you not only move forward as a human in your lifetime but help you and your friends move forward as well? That ripple effect radiates out to your species and influences their forward movement as well. Ask yourself, “Where am I going that will help me express who I am and my creativity in the largest way possible?”

Manifestations do not always come to fruition when they are not a reflection of your highest self, your truest identity. These are merely desires vibrating at lower level frequencies. They have come into play based off of what you might like to experience in your current lifetime. Often those desires cannot help you progress.

So when you start to think about your trajectory, you do not need to know all the intricacies. It is OK to have a broad sense of your direction. Start big and then whittle. The way that you whittle is by observing what's working for you, what’s not working for you, and what seems to be pushing you in a particular trajectory that feels exciting, creative, and expansive. This is when manifestation starts to take shape. You can see the product of your thoughts, your intentions, your actions starting to form into one movement.

Manifesting a trajectory has a aspect of giving involved. By embracing the action of your self expression, your vibration enhances others in their lives and then ripples out to the larger world. So when you investigate into creating your trajectory, look for that point of attraction that encompasses many pieces of what you're trying to create into one bundle.

​Dive deep into this expression of movement forward while always still remaining in the present moment. Those present moments tied together do form the constant and consistent trajectory forward that is your future. Every second past the one you are a living is the future. They all build upon themselves to create a vision of expression that is different from the one that you are inhabiting now. 

And so continue to think big, think beyond your means. Start and just allow the vision to be enhanced, editing as you move step-by-step towards that next picture of what you are creating.

Me: “Thank you Norma. Do you have anything to add?”

Norma: “No that is all for today. Live in light and live in the constant pursuit of your light’s expression and know that expression enhances the world around you, that expression alone is the brave face of change.”

Me: “Thank you Norma. Adora, do you want to come in?”

Adora: “Love be to all on your quest for your divine expression, your divine right of expression.

Know that you are held in deep love and support for your individual voice of expression.

Trust that above all else, you are being cradled along your path, your true path of your spiritual expression.

There's no need to be afraid of ‘what if’. Know that all of your needs are being held in love at the deepest of levels.

March on with your courage, your fight, your faith in yourself and your fellow man.

March forward into your eternity and create the love that you so desire.

Know that the well of love resides deep within to the center of the planet, and sparkles out to all the corners of the universes.”

Me: “Thank you Adora.”

Adora: “Thank you, Jenine. Peace be to all.”


Published in Sedona Journal's October 2019 issue. Available at many natural food stores and online


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