2020 Predictions
Creating a New Paradigm through Harmony
A Clairvoyant Reading by Jenine and Channeling from Norma and Adora, Pleiadians
Norma: “Hello Jenine. Thank you for letting me be here today. We're going to jump right into the business of your year 2020.
Jenine: I am going to start with a clairvoyant reading on the energy of 2020. The vibration of the year is at a middle green color. As I look, I am noticing a vibration of hope. For all of the difficulty within 2019, 2020 will bring a reaping of rewards as a force of change has been engaged. There's a need for us to move to a higher frequency as humans. We will start to see a lighter side of humanity. In this case, hope is an action, a representation that true change is being revealed.
As I continue to look at 2020, I notice that I am not being guided to look at the difficult events. What I am seeing is the overall triumph of hope. We are all being asked to move beyond what we have known ourselves to be, to reach for the stars, to amp up our individual vibration and choose the actions that match.
If we are not currently involved in the act of change, we need to get moving now. The celestial forces at work are asking us to take on the challenge of change. If we are afraid or uncertain, we must move through those emotions. We need to allow our intuition to speak and listen to its message.
The fear of unknown consequences keeps us rooted in old patterns of the past. For many of us, we have understood stability through the consistency of our living situation, a paycheck, or familiarity of a community. The vibration of 2020 is asking for us to become bigger, better, stronger. We must redefine the meaning of stability for ourselves and develop new roots.
Moving forward, stability inhabits a new paradigm. It is constructed through a combination of knowing our vulnerability while enveloping that space through nurturing healthy personal boundaries. From this place the true individual spirit can be expressed, and from those voices gather and create new societal paradigm.
There is a great power coming through this green color that we are all being driven towards. All of us working this energy, reading this article, can feel the need for this change. We feel it actively, we are being guided towards it, and we need to take this momentum and run with it. We need to allow this power to show us where to go and how this trajectory moves us all forward as a species. Ultimately, 2020 invites the opportunity for us to step into our new role in our life with our family, our friends, our species, and our relationship with this planet.
Norma: “As I look into your year of 2020, many of you are going to be called towards a great awareness of your connection with the energy of the sky, of the planets, of the universes, of the astrology, of the metaphysical.
What you are finding here on your planet Earth is that thought foundations are no longer working, with old structures starting to crumble and dissipate. Typical resources that you have relied upon for answers are not yielding results that resonate. Now you are looking for new outlets for discovery that will provide information that matches up with your intuition’s guidance.
Many of you will be guided to investigate the space between the cracks of old paradigms. You want to discover and understand for yourself through your mind body spirit exploration, the information found in those cracks that allow you to grow as a species. 2020 holds a great shift in consciousness, empowering all who answer the call to connect with their next highest frequency.
As Jenine spoke of, the shift in consciousness that you're being asked to move into is based on creating the change that your spirit is asking of you in the present moment. This movement will push you forward, allowing the cracks in the paradigm to continue to surface and with that your discovery of the information you so seek. If you don't succumb to the pressures of every day life and instead rise above and move at a higher pace that your spirit is so asking, not only will your world shift, but this movement will ripple out to the world around you, and desired changes within the societal paradigm start to become evident.
It is a survival of the fittest situation happening for you right now creating much dichotomy in your society. So divisions can seem deep and unrelenting. However, because you're all being asked to rise to a new vibration, there is a lot of filtering taking place within each individual. This filtering feels painful, confusing, and complicated because it is questioning and challenging old manners of doing things, old foundations that were seemingly set solid. For each individual to willingly adjust to their next highest frequency, to do the investigative and healing work that will allow them to uncover their new truth, and ultimately to find their new place on their planet, is not an easy task.
Who is up for the challenge? 2020 is asking you to dive deeper than you've ever done before. You must ask yourself if you are ready, if you are capable, if you are strong enough to push forward in the way that you know your intuition is asking you to do. Your changes benefit the hole of society.
Ultimately, 2020 is offering the opportunity of a new path of freedom for each individual.
Peace be to all on your spirit’s journey.”
Jenine: “Thank you, Norma. Adora, thank you for being here.”
Adora: “Hello. I am Adora. I bring greetings of love and compassion on your journey through your year 2020.
Through all of the challenges each of you is experiencing, there is an opportunity to go deeper into compassion for yourselves. To balance all of the strength needed for the change and shape shifting that you are all undergoing is to remember your ability for self love and compassion. Those very sweet, comforting forces lie just below the angst of change and are available for your use at any time.
I want to go deeper into saying that they're not just there for your use but for your absorption. Absorb compassion and self love; absorb them to find your center, your wholeness. Absorb those vibrations to remember how far you've come, to remember the challenges on your journey, to remember the lovely parts of your ancestral history, the depth of change that your species has gone through. Remember that humans have a common desire for love, companionship, community, and creation. Remember also the brilliance of beauty that those vibrations create.
As Jenine was talking about vulnerability, go into that vibration and research for yourself how to wield it as a strength. Create safety through a foundation in love for yourself, coming from a perspective of expressing through love. Understand love as a movement through all of you as beings in a community, recognizing the inherent beauty in that.
Your world is not always focusing on love and beauty as a central theme. Unfortunately, difficult energy often gets a fair amount of attention. The need to constantly be in a struggle or a battle or fight with some opposing forces permeates your discussions. Historically, this dichotomy is part of your nature, part of what your species is accustomed to, going back to early nomadic days.
Now, there is a harmony that is being asked to come forth. Instead of bouncing between the opposing forces of battle vs beauty, search for the harmony that resides within the dichotomy. Find harmony’s vibration of patience and understanding, and the balance found when addressing the needs of the individual and the community.
In 2020, look for the vibration of harmony between two struggling parties. Ask how the can parties become neutral and uncover a resolution that satisfies all. This harmonic practice can be cultivated by the individual working out a process of change. This harmonic practice can be cultivated in communities and seen in the natural world.
So ask, how can we create steps that call out the properties of harmony?
Currently, the push-pull that you are all experiencing is creating interference. Ask yourself, when have you noticed this energy in your life? When have you felt like your emotions, thoughts, or way of life was being attacked either by the challenges in change that you are facing, or challenges in the community or larger society in general?
Ask yourself to find the harmony in the middle of that dichotomy. Where does that harmonic line lie and what steps do you need to take to vibrate with harmony? Allow for the use of harmony to create a new natural balance and usher in recovery. Harmony allows for changes to be made and new foundations to be set with grace and ease. Harmony allows for the existence of differing opinions to be expressed in a way that is safe for everyone involved. To get to the greatest good, all need to feel like their voices are being heard. When facing a challenge from the vibration of harmony, it allows for all aspects involved to be given attention while the new foundation for the greatest good can find its platform.
In 2020, you are all making this movement towards understanding harmony. You are making this move to become vulnerable inside yourself, to find your strength in that vulnerability, to speak your truth, to live through your intuition's messages, and for all to be respected and feel free to explore their life paths.
In 2020, allow your relationship with harmony to come forth.
I am Adora of the Pleiades, and these are your challenges in the new year 2020. Thank you for letting me be here to express my tidings."
Jenine: “Thank you Adora.”
Published in Sedona Journal's November 2019 issue. Available at many natural food stores and online.