2021 Predictions
A New Hope
A Channeling from Norma, Marna, and Adora, Pleiadians
Norma: "Hello Jenine, this is Norma. I am so glad to be here today and to be working with you and looking into the energy of 2021.
While 2020 has been a rough year, there were light moments for you to remember.
Subtle wins and successes your people have had throughout this year, an uprising in humanity where greatness has had a chance to come through, and where new voices have had the platform to become louder and more influential.
For 2021, there is a new light on your planet with voices that speak to a bigger, brighter, new day.
This new light provides opportunity, foresight, and seeing into the future.
Influences that have not previously had a voice are now coming into being.
People with extraordinary gifts, psychic mediumship and other metaphysical abilities, have an opportunity to rise and allow their gifts to offer more influence, to provide insight and vision into the boundless possibilities available to those moving forward.
All of your voices must get stronger, deeper, livelier. They must be pronounced and they must be heard. You must have the courage to go forth with your voice intact and ready to be accepted as influential. Tone, tact, structure, choosing certain words at the right time, those are all important details to help you move into this next, brighter, new year.
Now, don’t get me wrong; there will continue to be challenges, but within those challenges, albeit some of the deepest challenges that you have experienced, is the greatest opportunity for uprising, an uprising of light, of love, of vision.
As I have said, moving into the quantum dimension is available for you, but not many of you have taken advantage of it to this point. The opportunity for being bigger, better, brighter than you have been is coming to the forefront.
Those of you that are intimidated by these words, do not be afraid.
Instead look within, and find your courage and bravery. Most likely you will find excitement, hope, and a desire to create something new. You will explore the depths of your abilities in ways that you have not been allowed. Old paradigms agreed upon by the masses set you in stone and kept you in darkness. That darkness has kept you from deep knowledge of self and a trust in moving with the present moment.
The present holds the most possibility, and that’s where you’re at in this point in time. Now, that feeling is not familiar to you; it throws you off, and makes you feel off-kilter and afraid.
The true path of your being is to live in this space of ultimate creativity, and to be with this vibration means to just move, move, move, create, create, create. It’s actually a very, very exciting place to be if you will just drop your resistance and allow yourself to be there.
Your 2021 invites a vibrancy that you have not yet seen before: a vibrance of possibility, of new understanding, of freshness.
If you focus on the fear, you will feel stuck. You will feel like you are not moving forward, and you are not because the vibration of that fear mirrors that of the vibration of the old paradigm that set you in stone and kept you in darkness.
To fully access the energy of 2021 means to harness your fear, enable your creativity, your courage, your drive, and to create new patterns for yourself that you have not yet seen before.
To interact with the energy of 2021 is to embrace the vibration of a new hope."
Marna: "Hello, I am Marna of the Pleiades. I am here to speak of your year 2021.
There is a lot of resistance coming up to the year of 2021 for you. You will feel tense in your stomach. You will feel nervousness and anxiety around what the new year will bring, what your future will bring. It is important to note that you must work through the emotions that are coming through your body at this time. You are being invited to clear old energetic pathways that have been holding information in your body. This is based off of the old paradigm that you have been working through in 2020.
As you feel this uncomfortableness in your body, don’t cover it up, mask it, or use medicine to heal it. Work the energy in your body by feeling it, get into nature and release it, sit with it in meditation and observe it. Allow what is coming up in the body to be information for you to process. This will allow you to release it and you will be healed. This healing process will allow you to match the new vibration, the new frequency of 2021.
From March 2021 moving forward, a new vibration will be available for the remainder of the year, one that is better suited to support you through the challenges you will face at that time.
In the late months of 2020 and the early months of 2021, it is imperative to release the energy that is moving through your body. The new vibration created will help set you free, allowing you to receive information available for integration. The information will come from light workers and from positive influences in your society. This body work that you complete at the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021 will allow the information emitted to come through you, allowing you to process new information at a deeper level, and informing you of the greater work that is being asked of you on your planet right now.
This is evolution of your species.
This is not only a spiritual endeavor of evolution, but a body-releasing of old paradigm energetics in order to clear, heal, and open to receive new vibrational frequency.
To move that energy through your body systematically and efficiently, it is imperative that you eat a diet that is high in vibration. Consider a diet high in fruits and vegetables, or a diet that is tailored to what your specific body responds well to. It is imperative that you drink more water than you are used to and to limit alcohol, caffeine, and any other foods that are detrimental to your particular body system.
This is also a good time to reach out to light workers, herbalists, and other metaphysicians that know how to heal the body in spirit.
2021 is asking your body’s vibration to catch up to all of the spiritual work you have been doing from the end of 2019 through 2020. This body work will move you deeper into the present, optimizing you for the learning opportunities available through 2021.
I am Marna from the Pleiades. I would like to pass on to Adora."
Adora: "Hello, Jenine; it’s nice to be with you. I am Adora of the Pleiades. I am here to talk to you of 2021.
Have no fear! Your grand adventure is about to begin. 2021 yields many large and wondrous opportunities that you have yet to understand.
It will be a year of wonder, of excitement, of the unknown.
It will be a trip down the river of life. Though it may make no sense, if you can flow with it, it can be one of your grandest adventures.
So do not put worry into your year 2021. There is no need for that emotion, as it is completely useless to you at this time.
You must look at your year 2021 as filled with possibilities.
These are possibilities that all of you have the opportunity to create.
So you must look at your year 2021 in that way.
Start your intention work now for what you want to create in 2021. Then stick on that path, checking in with those intentions regularly.
As you have worked so hard in the last few years to get deeper into your present time and have a better understanding of what that feels like for you, this new learning yields the opportunity to create in a bigger way than what you are used to.
Get creative, and start thinking about what you want for 2021 from the deepest of levels. How does your spirit want to evolve? How do you want to give to yourself and others? How do you want to be part of your community? How do you want to experience giving and receiving in your year 2021?
What do you want that to look like in your life?
This new year 2021 brings the opportunity to create and divide. You will be dividing amongst yourself those parts of you that are no longer in use. As a result, you will be releasing that information that is no longer helpful, and in that you will have a bigger brighter space from which inspiration, intuition, and creativity can flow.
That is why you start now with creating your intentions for your year 2021. Start by thinking about what you want to create for your highest good, for your highest giving, for how to best receive. Starting that as soon as possible helps pave the path for you in your year 2021.
The energy you will be working through in 2021 is complicated. The paradigm that you have all been working to crumble is now very fractured. The energy feels frenetic in your space and, as Marna said, you are feeling that in your body, through your nervous system, through your stomach, through headaches. You are having the experience of this vibrational energy shift.
To help your body move into the experience of your spirit, doing this intention work as soon as possible will help carve the way for you to have a smoother vibrational year in 2021.
Again, the more that you can move with the river and flow with the river, the more complete 2021 will feel.
This is a fractured time for humanity, but know that within those fractures lies the possibility for healing, for resetting a path, and for paving the way into the future that many of you have deeply desired to create for so long.
2021 holds one of the greatest opportunities for physical, mental, and spiritual enlightenment within the human body. If you want to be part of that experience and have that experience for yourself, you must do the work. You must do the personal work required to effectively flow down this new river of life.
Peace be to all on your planet.
On behalf of Marna and Norma, I am Adora of the Pleiades.
We wish you love and light on your individual and collective journeys and hope that you all aspire to experience this existence through your highest self. Thank you."
Published in Sedona Journal's November 2020 issue. Available at many natural food stores and online.