2022 Predictions
Flow Within the Universal Framework
A Channeling from Norma, Adora, and Marna, Pleiadians
Norma: “I am Norma. I am here to speak of predictions and vision, let’s say, for your year 2022.
2021 has felt like playing a game of dominos where you are trying to place pieces in the hopes of creating a good path for you, yet the placement of the pieces has not quite made sense.
The process is step by step, yet doesn’t feel like it contributes to the creation of vision. This year has been about the practice of settling yourself in the present moment and learning how to work with that energy directly. This has been a new way of managing present time, pulling back from vision of the future.
2022 leads you into a new direction where things do not yet feel settled, but you do feel more practiced in how you view the present moment in relation to the future and the past. As a result you start to feel like this new paradigm shift is less complicated, allowing yourself to flow with energy a little more.
If you have done your homework in the past two years, you will be flowing more with what your spirit wants to do in the present moment. This furthers the understanding of how to move with your body in time and space, and how to project your vision for what you want to create forward while not living in the future but creating in the present.
Your timeline next year will continue to be a little bit bumpy; it will be a rebuilding type of year where you are putting together the pieces of what has been going on for the past five years. Things should start to smooth out a little bit by spring next year into the rest of the year.
Don’t hold back next year: go for it. Pieces will be in place next year to make moves on topics that you have been thinking and processing for the past 3-5 years.
Again, don’t hold back.
The frequency of next year is about movement and growth forward, all the while being in the present.
Let yourself continue to place those domino pieces for the remainder of this year, continuing to work those technical issues so that next year you can move more into that flow state.
I am Norma of the Pleiades. I am now going to pass off to Adora.”
Adora: “Hello, I am Adora of the Pleiades. It is my pleasure to be here to speak of your year 2022.
As Norma spoke, next year is about being in a flow state. This state will combine with your moving into a heart space and learning how to flow mind, body, spirit within that heart space. You will also be discovering how this space connects with the bigger universal picture and your place in it. In 2022 you are learning how to connect deeper not only with yourself in the present, but you are connecting with universal consciousness, universal timelines, and how you are being called to action within that bigger picture as well.
Be on the lookout for some very big picture opportunities, things that you thought were maybe out of reach that suddenly come into focus. These opportunities are not only part of your path but part of your spirit’s work in conjunction with universal consciousness and the universal community.
Your timeline for the last two years has been very difficult. You have been working energy in the present moment, figuring things out, technicalities, as Norma said “placing domino pieces”. Moving into 2022, again, it is going to be moving into a higher state of flow. Be excited for that type of work next year. It’s going to feel like a relief after all the work that has been done the past few years. It is an opportunity not only for big positive growth and changes but also to feel your movement within that universal community in a different manner.
For now, don’t be afraid to unlock the hurt in your heart center. All of the things that you have been through in the last few years, don’t be afraid to unlock that space and open up to the challenges that you have felt, face them, release them, and you will be in a better position to work your energy at that higher level for next year.
I am Adora of the Pleiades.”
Marna: “Hello. I am Marna of the Pleiades.
Stay on track.
Do not deviate from your present course even though you want to jettison all that you have been through in the desire to get a break from the external pressures that have been causing you to adapt consistently for quite some time.
Stay on course.
Do not be afraid of the challenges that come before you.
Do not be afraid of the fears that are coming up.
Do not be afraid of other negative emotions that are in your vision.
Work through them.
Face them.
Learn from them.
Do not deviate from them.
It is time now to release that old energy, those old visions of self and negative energies that are no longer working for you. They are occurring because that energy is trying to release. You can’t release the old without facing it first.
There is a lot of energy that wants to be released for the remainder of 2021.
So stay on course, look at it, work with it, release it so that in 2022 you are free to move into a new flow state where you are working in conjunction with higher beings, with higher universal consciousness, within your place in the universal community. These are the steps you must take to get to the new experience of present time.
You have done a lot of work.
Do not be afraid to work out these final lessons before you are on to the next vision of creation.
Do not be afraid of your massive ability to create.
Do not be afraid of your creative inspiration for it will lead you forward; it will be your guiding light. It will take the pressure off of future creation and instead allow you to focus into one creation, inspiration, intuition, vision.
2022 is the opportunity to go big.
Do you dare to be as big and bright as you know yourself to be, as you know your spirit to be?
I am Marna of the Pleiades.
On behalf of myself, Adora, and Norma, we thank you for welcoming us into this channeling space and allowing us to express our vision for 2022 and your creative space within it. Thank you.”
Published in Sedona Journal's November 2021 issue. Available at many natural food stores and online.