A Meditation for Intuitive Alignment
Certain times in our lives call for us to shift into a new vibration. Often this is felt at the new year, but really this shift can occur at any time.
I formulated this meditation a few years ago to help me release the past, connect with my intuition's messaging for my present, and project a trajectory that will enable continued intuitive alignment into the future.
I found it to be such a powerful meditation that I wanted to offer it as a service. Known as the Intuitive Advantage Reading, I guide the client through the meditation, reading and providing insight as we move along.
Whether facilitated by me through the Carve Your Trajectory Reading or on one's own, this meditation can be revisited multiple times throughout the year to reset intentions and clear space to cultivate healthy next steps.
Get started by setting the energy for a clear and productive meditation experience.
Create the space to do your good work.
Read through this process a few times before practicing. Make note of any changes that intuitively feel better suited for your process.
Be open to receiving any messages that might come through during the meditation. They could show up as a feeling, a voice (inner or outer), visual pictures, or a knowingness. Trust what you receive.
Take notes! Review them throughout the year. This work will help you keep on track and help you make adjustments when you notice your flow moving you in another direction.
Alright, let's get started!
First, compile a list of “Focus Topics” for the upcoming year.
Imagine a color that you want to represent the upcoming year’s focus topics.
Write out 3-5 topics of focus for the year and include details.
Example topics are Personal, Relationships, Family, Work, Finance.
Go into meditation.
Sit and allow yourself to get quiet.
Second, clean out outdated energy by following these steps:
Release all outdated energy, attachments, and agreements from the previous year and beyond that is no longer a match to your highest good.
Release any other outdated energy that is no longer a match to your highest good.
Third, prepare your space for new opportunities by following these steps:
Imagine a color that you want to associate with the new year.
Using your imagination, visualize a bubble of the same color.
In this bubble allow the following energy to flow in:
being open to new opportunities, perspectives, and lessons
connecting with intuition and allow it to light the way
intend that work is in alignment with life path, in service to others, and in timing with the universal community
live and communicate through healthy, harmonic, respectful, compassionate, and jubilant actions towards myself and others
Clean up the bubble by intending that the energy within the bubble is a match to your highest good.
Release the bubble into the universe.
Fourth, prepare your space for your focus topics to come into form by following these steps:
Create a new bubble that matches the color you chose for your focus topics.
Allow the energy of your focus topics to go into that bubble.
Clean up the bubble by intending that the energy within the bubble is a match to your highest good.
Release the bubble into the universe.
Fifth, take time to sit, processing the work just completed.
Release all expectations of what might happen from doing this work.
Revel in the transition of good work that was completed.
Sixth, conclude the meditation.
Allow the vibrations of gratitude, peace, harmony, and love for self and others to flow through, imparting any information as they pass.
Intend to be observant of what shows up in the future, and working with the universe to assist in showing and guiding your way.
Send a hug to all living and deceased family, friends, and any being in need.
Meditation Complete!