Creating A Daily Intention Practice

Create daily intentions, act on mindfulness, the process is so simple but the discipline can be so hard.

This is the energy work equivalent of going to the gym.

​Just do it!
To set the energy for your day, use these steps to help create the path for your intentions to become your reality and for you to feel in alignment with your intuition's messaging.

Set the Energy for Your Day
When you wake up, take some time to allow your spirit settle into your body. No rush, no planning, no activity, just be exactly where you are in the moment. Allow your mind, body, and spirit to work together to invest in the idea of creating a new day.

​Write Your Intentions
After your energy has realigned, think about what you would like to create in your day. Do you want to live in love, be kind, generous, a good listener, open to opinions or possibilities, or desire to fuel the fire of your creativity? Focus on what you want to create and then get into how it would feel if you had those experiences during the day. This is your prime opportunity to daydream with purpose.

To get started, think of one goal or resolution you have set for yourself. For example, let’s use “create a budget”. Often, the reason goals or resolutions are not fulfilled is because there is no heart behind saying “I want to create a budget.” Finding the connection to our goals in a deeper way is the magic to manifesting.

Let’s turn our goal of creating a budget into an intention. Instead try, “I want to understand the flow of money in and out of my life. I want to know where I spend money each month and how that relates to how much money I am creating. It is important to me to understand the flow of money in my life and how I can work with it to help me support my future self and ultimately create abundance and affluence.” Suddenly the goal of creating a budget turns into shifting into a lifestyle that has some purpose, a feeling behind it connecting us to a life event we want to experience. We have just given that goal turned into an intention the opportunity to become an energetic experience. The universal language is energy. Through the work of intentions, you have just created a conversation with the universe about what you would like to conspire to manifest!

Check Your Intuition
Universal energy will be there to support you in your manifestation if you continue to show up in union with your intention. At some point in your day, take a few minutes check in with your intuition's messaging. Is your day is lining up with the intentions you set in the morning? If not, make adjustments. That simple act can get you back on track quickly. Don’t have time or a space where you feel comfortable doing some personal work? Go to the bathroom, take five minutes, and regroup. I have done this more than once, and it works for me!

Speak Thoughtfully
Emotions emit vibration. Slow down, speak thoughtfully, and notice how you feel after you say something that is loaded with emotion. Feel good? Great, your words are matching your intentions. If not, revisit your intentions, notice where you veered off course, and adjust. If you do not have a good option for expressing your thoughts in a way that matches your intentions, then move along. Instead channel the energy more productively and in a manner that is in alignment with your intentions.

​You Did It!
In the evening take a moment to recall your day. Do you feel good about how you expressed yourself and what you accomplished? If so, good job! Your day was successfully shaped through discipline, energy work, and creative ability! If not, that's ok. Use this nightly check in to help you make better choices tomorrow. Using intentions in this manner creates a process in which we match the energy of the vision we would like to manifest by placing our focus on one decision at a time. This is the roadmap to manifestation so don’t hold back. Create, create, create!


Practicing Psychic Minimalism


Josefa Loaiza, Me, and the LA Times